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Timed Mile: Jan 2010

fitness testing timed mile Dec 31, 2010

Today I repeated my timed mile test.  Looking at my previous test in November, I'm a little embarrassed!  I said I'd be working on my endurance.  In truth, I've been writing about interval training more often than actually doing it.  I've been a lot more focused on basic strength training than cardiovascular training.  Really, I think that's okay.  I'm just perturbed by the difference between what I said I was going to do and what I actually did.

I have not been as motivated to make myself go to the track in the cold as much as I was last year.  I imagine my timed mile will get slower over the winter before it gets faster again in the spring.

Well anyway, my timed mile was 7 minutes 34 seconds which is 11 seconds slower than last time.

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